Storming Heaven: LSD & the American Dream by Jay Stevens is a social history of America from the Forties through the Sixties that weaves an astonishing tapestry of Science, Psychology, Politics, the Arts, and the Counterculture. Brilliant, witty, and exhaustively researched, Storming Heaven is the definitive account of the turmoil of the middle years of this century. Whatever you think you know about this confluence of drugs, culture, and history in America is necessarily incomplete and very likely incorrect until you read Storming Heaven.

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Jay Stevens is a journalist, social historian, and novelist living in Vermont. He has written numerous magazine and newspaper pieces. Mr. Stevens co-wrote "Drumming at the Edge of Magic" and "Planet Drum" with the Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart, published by Harper's San Francisco.

Time and circumstance permitting, Jay would be pleased to discuss any issues raised in Storming Heaven. Please keep your questions and comments concise. Click here to send your message to Jay