The Munich Readery
Creative writing workshops led by Lisa Yarger

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Which workshops are happening next?
Standing Up to Your Inner Critic
led by Lisa Yarger
13 October 2024

See tabs on the left for more information about these workshops.

What if I have absolutely no creative writing or journaling experience?
No problem. Most of our workshops are for anyone who’d like to write creatively.

What if English isn’t my first language?
Also no problem. Our workshops are in English, but you can write in any language.

Do I need to prepare anything for the workshop?
Unless otherwise specified in the workshop description, you just need to show up with paper and your favourite pen.

Can teens participate?

Do I have to read my writing out loud?
In Lisa’s journaling workshops, you are writing for yourself. You will not be asked to share what you write with other participants. In Lisa’s other workshops, you are welcome to share your writing if you want to, but it’s never a requirement.

Can I join from outside Germany?
As of April 2023, Lisa will again lead in-person workshops at The Munich Readery. However, if you live outside of the Munich area and are interested in a Zoom workshop, please contact Lisa at

Can I take part in the same workshop more than once?
Yes. In the “Unlock Your Writing” workshop, for example, you’ll be given different writing prompts each time, so each workshop is different.

What forms of payment do you accept? How do I pay for a workshop?
You can pay by bank transfer (from within the EU) or Paypal. After you've emailed us at to register for a particular workshop, we’ll send you instructions on how to pay.

How do I register for an upcoming workshop?
Email us at to register for a particular workshop. We’ll then send you instructions on how to pay.

Are your workshops scary?
(So far, nobody has actually ever asked this. But we think they want to.)
No! Well, maybe for the first two minutes, until you realise that Lisa is a very nice person and that the workshop atmosphere is low-key, low-pressure, and fun.

Who is Lisa Yarger?
Lisa is an avid journal-keeper and the author of the award-winning non-fiction book, Lovie: The Story of a Southern Midwife and an Unlikely Friendship (University of North Carolina Press). She is also married to Munich Readery proprietor John Browner.

As someone who has attended lots of Lisa’s workshops, I can say that Lisa provides a supportive, nonjudgmental atmosphere for burgeoning writers as well as those who are interested in trying their hand at writing. She has introduced me to a wide variety of tools, such as using different prompts, free writing, timed writing, and regular writing practice, with the understanding that we each have to figure out what suits us best. Writing can feel lonely at times, but in Lisa's workshops I have found a lively community.

To find out more about Lisa, visit:

See tabs on the left for details on our individual workshops.

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